The WTM Nice Centre was established as part of a global initiative to ensure everyone around the world has the opportunity to hear about and benefit from Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough explanation of the human condition.

In addition to all the material provided on this site, you can access wonderful, and freely available, essays, videos, podcasts and books at; we especially recommend you watch THE Interview and Videos 1–4 & 14 that appear there. You can also subscribe to receive, via email, the Freedom Essay series, which covers all the main subjects in Jeremy’s definitive book, FREEDOM, in short form!

We look forward to hearing from you — any time, in French or English!

  • “The Truth has to only appear once…for it to be impossible for anything ever to prevent it from spreading universally and setting everything ablaze”

    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
    Let Me Explain

  • Old Nice town square